Amnesi-K Lemon
Amnesi-K Lemon
Euphoric, stimulating and psychoactive
There are names of seeds that transcend the world’s borders, those which don’t sound strange or foreign even to people with little understanding. And one of those names is none other than the Amnesia seed, the proud mother of the seed we want to tell you about – Amnesi-K Lemon.
This seed is born of a union of the renowned Amnesia plant and two other great powerhouses – Lemon Skunk and Jack Herer. Delving a little deeper into Amnesia, we discover that the reason for its name is its aroma, which can be sweet and citrussy. But it’s unsuitable for novices as its effect is massively potent. Lemon Skunk, however, provides a very harmonious effect between body and mind, with the cerebral high being slightly more powerful. It can make you sleepy at the right times, or you can use its smoke to initiate a calm and profound conversation. Lastly, the offspring’s third parent, Jack Herer, is named after the great activist who defended hemp to the hilt. The energetic effect of the seed that bears his name helped Jack get out of bed in the mornings, and he believed that hemp would save the world.
With this ancestry, Amensi-K Lemon can’t be anything other than a great seed that must be on your list of things to try before you die.
How to: Amnesi-K Lemon
The ease of cultivation of this variety is something to take into consideration. You can obtain a large number of buds, both indoors and outdoors, from a single seed.
Two things you’ll need to bear in mind if you’re growing it indoors are that it needs 12 hours of sun and 12 hours of total darkness, and that it can reach heights of 180m. In order to ensure the plant’s correct development, consider the area you have for cultivating it so that it doesn’t have a problem with space and it will reward you with up to 550gr/m2.
Outdoors it will be even more impressive as its appearance becomes much more compact than indoors, and it will have hard buds loaded with a large amount of resin. Mark the end of October on your calendar to harvest what this seed has in store for you outdoors.
Taste and effect of Amnesi-K Lemon
Even before harvesting, this plant already offers us gifts – both visual and olfactory. Its clusters of green buds with rebellious orange tints offer us an aroma reminiscent of lemon cake, sweet but with the fruit’s fresh citrus acid touch.
When you sample it, you go to the next level and receive the gift of its taste: a very appealing earthy flavour is added to that sweet, citrussy smell that we promised you. In general, this plant mixes the best of spring and autumn.
Finally let’s talk about its effect. This hybrid is 60% sativa and 40% indica, which makes it considerably more psychoactive with THC levels of 23.3%. If we had to sum up its effect, it would be as follows: smiles, a highly-euphoric effect, good vibes and guaranteed laughter. So, if you’re planning to meet your friends to have a good time until your belly aches from laughing, fix this name firmly in your mind.
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