Kickass Auto
Kickass Auto
A Reliable Plant
When we design autoflowering cannabis seeds, what we look for, first of all, is a reliable specimen, which we know will grow whatever the conditions and times. And in the Kickass Auto, formerly known as B.Lee Auto, you can trust. It is a plant to be enjoyed.
It comes from the enrichment of our Citrus, well known in the forums frequented by marijuana lovers, with a safe base of Ruderalis, which supports automatic production without affecting the organoleptic properties and the effect of the parent seed, already discontinued. This way, the lemony and exciting taste is assured, and the relaxing effect, as well.
Shrub-like with vigorous lower branches, it is one of the most rewarding plants we know. In the flowering phase, it will show off beautiful orange and reddish trichomes full of intoxicating resin.
How to: Kickass Auto
We know that the Kickass Auto is capable, under perfect conditions, of exceeding the centimeter and gram figures we can give here, although we prefer to stick to the proven facts. It is also particularly resistant; few enemies can stand up to it.
As mentioned above, it takes the form of a bush, spreading its growth laterally. Indoors, it will grow with the space and the light you give it, although the photoperiods should be at least 18 hours for it to perform at its best. It produces elongated and compact buds, in a process that in total does not exceed 65 days. We know that 400 grams per square meter for a small autoflowering cannabis plant may seem like a big promise, but it delivers. Don’t be afraid of pests or fungi; it can withstand anything, including powdery mildew.
It is also effective outdoors as a good automatic plant. It grows a little higher than indoors, but not too high. Plant it from March onwards so that it soaks up as many hours of sunlight as possible. If that’s not possible because you live in a more humid and less sunny place, or in a higher latitude, don’t worry, the production will be somewhat lower, but it will still produce plenty. In good conditions, you will harvest 200 grams per plant. It has the gift of being able to bounce back from a rough patch and get back on its feet. Ideally, it should be harvested 75 days after planting.
Flavor and Effect of the Kickass Auto
For those who miss the famous Citrus, this is a very attractive option. It is an indica plant that has not lost any of its Skunk characteristics, with a citric and sweet flavor that is very aromatic and tasty. It also has floral notes.
The effect of this autoflowering cannabis seed is particularly relaxing. As any good indica, it helps you adopt a different point of view when you’re faced with day-to-day problems and see the bright side of things. It has a THC level of 11%, which causes a very comfortable and pleasantly soft sensation. And very good memories.
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