

A true legend

Few marijuana growers are unaware the Critical (or Critical Mass) strain’s properties. Since it appeared back in the Nineties, it’s been distributed and modified so abundantly that it’s difficult to trace it back to the original seed. As a feminised marijuana seed bank, we wanted to make headway and dare to offer our own version, taking full advantage of all our experience and creativity. It took five years for us to find a 100% stable genetic combination with its own character. Kritikal-K is one of our best sellers and we hope it continues to be so.

To allow it to wear its name with pride, our version of Critical maintains this variety’s characteristic traits: fast flowering, a generous crop, easy cultivation, incredibly relaxing. We’ve been able to enhance these qualities with a unique citrus flavour, earthy Skunk undertones and a smooth new euphoric sensation. Little by little it’s become an indispensable marijuana seed, a staple that should be in every good grower’s background.

Its identity comes from intense research effort and crossing it with a Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) seed of high quality and performance. This seed is a legend with almost 50 years of history and an almost mythological origin.

Cultivation of the Kritikal-K

With record performance, Kritikal-K’s production couldn’t be better. Its flowering period is around 50-55 days and it produces quite heavy buds, testing even the resistance of the branches despite their strength. For this reason, perhaps the SOG (Sea of Green) or SCROG (Screen Of Green) methods would be recommended before low-stress training.

Outdoors, it can reach heights of two metres, and it produces 800 grams of per square metre. Harvesting takes place in mid-September, or even earlier even if the conditions are right; nevertheless, we don’t recommend rushing the process. It’s a fairly obliging plant that needs basic care, so it’s probably unnecessary to use osmosis filters for the water. We do recommend supplying nitrogen if we see that the leaves are beginning to lighten.

It also has optimal development indoors. Nevertheless, given its dense and compact structure, it can be affected by moisture and produce mould. We just have to take care of the room’s humidity levels and prune it carefully.

There’s something important to take into consideration when growing Kritikal-K marijuana seeds: it can resemble a sativa strain at the start of the flowering phase despite having a clear 70% indica dominance. Still, the subsequent appearance of those beautiful buds and its bushy character will dispel any doubts.

By and large, Kritikal-K is recognisable for its uniformity and stability, and the guarantee of a balanced crop.

Taste and effect of Kritikal-K

When the end of Kritikal-K’s flowering phase begins (and we must stress that this comes along fairly quickly), the air is filled with the fresh aroma of lemon sorbet stemming from its Northern Lights’ heritage; added to this is a pure earthy skunky background on an eminently sweet taste.

The indica effect is clearly relaxing, lulling and profound, pending an initial mood of mild euphoria. Due to the sensations it leaves you with, it’s the perfect feminised marijuana seed with which to end the day and fall asleep.

Sementes de maconha : Kritikal-K
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Best Indica

Expogrow 2022

Irún, Spain

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Sementes de maconha : Kritikal-K, Pack 1 Seed
Pack 1 Seed
8,50  5,10 
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Sementes de maconha : Kritikal-K, Pack 3+1 Seed
Pack 3+1 Seed
22,00  13,20 
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Sementes de maconha : Kritikal-K, Pack 5+2 Seed
Pack 5+2 Seed
29,00  17,40 
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Sementes de maconha : Kritikal-K, Pack 10+3 Seed
Pack 10+3 Seed
55,00  33,00 
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Sementes de maconha : Kritikal-K, Pack 25 Seed
Pack 25 Seed
105,00  63,00 
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Preço: 8,50 
+1 Portes de envio gratuitos para encomendas superiores a 180,00 
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Best Indica

Expogrow 2022

Irún, Spain

Here at our seed bank, we don't rest until we’ve got our own Critical with its own character. The yield of this marijuana seed is exceptional and fast, its flavour is sweet yet citric, and its effect is perfect for getting the best night’s sleep.

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Indica Indica


Sativa Sativa

Período de floração

Curto Curto


Grandes Grandes


Baixa Baixa


Alta Alta


Baixo Baixo


Muito forte Muito forte

Critical x Northern Lights

Análise: Analytics

Semente: Semente: Feminizado

CBD: <0,5 %

Efeito: Relaxante

THC: 19,6 %

Cultura: Hidropônico

Caracteristicas: Resistente a humidade

Sabor: Cítrico, Terroso, Doce



Ciclo de floração: 50-55 dias

Rendimento: 650 gr/m2



Colheita: Meados de setembro

Altura média: 250 cm

Rendimento: 800 gr/planta

Fotos dos nossos clientes

Image #1 from Anonym
Image #2 from andrebartels47
Image #3 from andrebartels47
Image #4 from andrebartels47
Image #5 from andrebartels47
Image #6 from andrebartels47
Image #7 from Kitties and Colas
Image #8 from Kitties and Colas
Image #9 from Kitties and Colas
Image #10 from gmslave
Image #11 from gmslave
Image #12 from gmslave
  1. Adryc Manellson

    La #Kritical K mantiene la identidad propia de esta variedad, es rápida de floración 50 a 55 días , de producción agradecida y su cultivo fácil la hace ideal para principiantes. En exterior se puede hacer enorme, casi 2 metros, por lo cual, si es en terraza conviene pinzarla. Germinación rápida, 4 días directo en sustrato, dura y resistente en sus primeras fases de vida, en Indoors recomiendo no pasar de 14 días vegetativo, pues te puedes encontrar con problemas de altura. La floración es abundante y necesita poco riego durante este periodo.
    Su efecto es relajante y fuerte, típico de Critical, y de larga duración. Yo siempre cultivo alguna cuando testeo alguna otra #Straint. Recomiendo tener unas cuantas en nuestra #CavaDeVariedades o #SemisDeColección. Adryc Manëllson.

    Image #1 from Adryc Manellson
    (11) (1)
  2. Michael Bedel (proprietário verificado)

    Super 👍😄 facile a cultiver variété stable résistante ! Gros rendement j’adore.

    Image #1 from Michael Bedel
    (7) (1)
  3. gmslave

    Thanks Kannabia

    Should note that, I have 1000 watt light listed, the highest I run it at is 600 watts., at least until it gets really cold outside and I need the light to provide good heat to the room.

    Kritical K down. Very hard flowers all the way to the bottom, covered with frost. Very easy to trim with little leaf growth.. 800 grams of trimmed flowers.
    All in all Kannabia has some nice genetics for healthy plants.

    Image #1 from gmslave
    Image #2 from gmslave
    Image #3 from gmslave
    Image #4 from gmslave
    Image #5 from gmslave
    (6) (4)
  4. Kitties and Colas

    Extremely dense buds, great yielding strain with a relatively short flowering time ..A+

    Image #1 from Kitties and Colas
    Image #2 from Kitties and Colas
    Image #3 from Kitties and Colas
    (4) (1)
  5. lilwilson001

    Kritikal-K was an exceptional strain🏆💯. Perfect short compact plant with an easy grow. Every branch is covered in fat fluffy nugs. A crazy frosty lemon-lime soda smell🍋🥤. An amazing creation with lemon from the Northern Lights and citrus frost from the critical. Harvested on day 66 with a total weight of 96 G or 3.4 Oz⚖️💪🏼. An extremely sweet citrus smoke with earthy undertones. An indica body high with phenomenal medicinal properties. Fantastic strain for pain relief or insomnia. Perfect pain killer leaving you relaxed and comfy. Recommended to all looking for a perfect compact medical strain with great weight 💯🥇🔥.

    (2) (0)
  6. Mikoka (proprietário verificado)

    Super 😁 ! encore une fois variété stable, gros rendement 🎉

    (0) (1)
  7. andrebartels47

    Ich bin gerade dabei sie hoch zu ziehen im outdoor Bereich. Bis jetzt kommt die auch super mit der aktuellen Kälte klar

    Image #1 from andrebartels47
    (1) (0)
  8. andrebartels47

    Mal schauen wie die kleinen das outdoor bei den i Moment kalten Temperaturen. Sie macht sich aber im großen und ganzen echt gut.

    Image #1 from andrebartels47
    Image #2 from andrebartels47
    Image #3 from andrebartels47
    Image #4 from andrebartels47
    (1) (0)
  9. Anonym (proprietário verificado)

    Looking good

    Image #1 from Anonym
    (0) (0)
  10. Ruben K. (proprietário verificado)

    Sehr starker Skunk Typ

    (0) (0)
  1. Adryc Manellson

    La #Kritical K mantiene la identidad propia de esta variedad, es rápida de floración 50 a 55 días , de producción agradecida y su cultivo fácil la hace ideal para principiantes. En exterior se puede hacer enorme, casi 2 metros, por lo cual, si es en terraza conviene pinzarla. Germinación rápida, 4 días directo en sustrato, dura y resistente en sus primeras fases de vida, en Indoors recomiendo no pasar de 14 días vegetativo, pues te puedes encontrar con problemas de altura. La floración es abundante y necesita poco riego durante este periodo.
    Su efecto es relajante y fuerte, típico de Critical, y de larga duración. Yo siempre cultivo alguna cuando testeo alguna otra #Straint. Recomiendo tener unas cuantas en nuestra #CavaDeVariedades o #SemisDeColección. Adryc Manëllson.

    Image #1 from Adryc Manellson
    (11) (1)
  2. Michael Bedel (proprietário verificado)

    Super 👍😄 facile a cultiver variété stable résistante ! Gros rendement j’adore.

    Image #1 from Michael Bedel
    (7) (1)
  3. gmslave

    Thanks Kannabia

    Should note that, I have 1000 watt light listed, the highest I run it at is 600 watts., at least until it gets really cold outside and I need the light to provide good heat to the room.

    Kritical K down. Very hard flowers all the way to the bottom, covered with frost. Very easy to trim with little leaf growth.. 800 grams of trimmed flowers.
    All in all Kannabia has some nice genetics for healthy plants.

    Image #1 from gmslave
    Image #2 from gmslave
    Image #3 from gmslave
    Image #4 from gmslave
    Image #5 from gmslave
    (6) (4)
  4. Kitties and Colas

    Extremely dense buds, great yielding strain with a relatively short flowering time ..A+

    Image #1 from Kitties and Colas
    Image #2 from Kitties and Colas
    Image #3 from Kitties and Colas
    (4) (1)
  5. lilwilson001

    Kritikal-K was an exceptional strain🏆💯. Perfect short compact plant with an easy grow. Every branch is covered in fat fluffy nugs. A crazy frosty lemon-lime soda smell🍋🥤. An amazing creation with lemon from the Northern Lights and citrus frost from the critical. Harvested on day 66 with a total weight of 96 G or 3.4 Oz⚖️💪🏼. An extremely sweet citrus smoke with earthy undertones. An indica body high with phenomenal medicinal properties. Fantastic strain for pain relief or insomnia. Perfect pain killer leaving you relaxed and comfy. Recommended to all looking for a perfect compact medical strain with great weight 💯🥇🔥.

    (2) (0)
  6. Mikoka (proprietário verificado)

    Super 😁 ! encore une fois variété stable, gros rendement 🎉

    (0) (1)
  7. andrebartels47

    Ich bin gerade dabei sie hoch zu ziehen im outdoor Bereich. Bis jetzt kommt die auch super mit der aktuellen Kälte klar

    Image #1 from andrebartels47
    (1) (0)
  8. andrebartels47

    Mal schauen wie die kleinen das outdoor bei den i Moment kalten Temperaturen. Sie macht sich aber im großen und ganzen echt gut.

    Image #1 from andrebartels47
    Image #2 from andrebartels47
    Image #3 from andrebartels47
    Image #4 from andrebartels47
    (1) (0)
  9. Anonym (proprietário verificado)

    Looking good

    Image #1 from Anonym
    (0) (0)
  10. Ruben K. (proprietário verificado)

    Sehr starker Skunk Typ

    (0) (0)

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