
Does cannabis work on alopecia sufferers? This is what science has to say!

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After having been stigmatised for a long time, cannabis is now gaining more and more popularity thanks to the many benefits that it can bring to the human body. And some medical experts are wondering if cannabis can also help prevent or treat alopecia. Let’s have a look at what marijuana has to offer in the fight against hair loss!

It is estimated that up to 50% of men and 40% of women experience some degree of alopecia-related hair loss from the age of 50. However, this condition can also occur at a younger age and can be triggered by various factors, including genetic, hormonal, autoimmune, and environmental.

Cannabis and its cannabinoids, such as cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), have been investigated to determine their potential medicinal properties in a wide variety of health pathologies, but their effectiveness in the treatment of alopecia has not yet been definitively established. And although more research is still needed to fully understand the effects of cannabis on hair health, the results to date are really promising.

The latest data to the rescue

In one of the latest studies, published in the International Journal of Trichology in April 2023, researchers from the University of South Florida-St. Petersburg analysed 31 participants suffering from androgenetic alopecia (AGA) or common baldness. They were administered a topical solution of hemp-based compounds containing CBD, CBDV, and THCV every day for 6 months.

Interestingly, they found that every alopecia sufferer noticed hair regrowth during this period. In addition, male patients experienced more significant hair growth than women, with none of them reporting any adverse side effects.

On average, male patients recorded an increase of 15.07 hairs/cm2 in hair growth, representing an average increase of 246%. Female patients saw an increase of 16.06 hairs/cm2, which represents an average increase of 127%. The scalp of the patients was also photographed before and after treatment, and an independent review of those photographs found improvements in scalp coverage from ‘mild’ to ‘extensive’ for all study participants.

Does cannabis work on alopecia sufferers? This is what science has to say!
Male: Day 0 (2 hairs/cm2) vs Day 180 (19 hairs/cm2)

“This case study suggests that topical hemp extract high in THCV, CBDV, CBD, menthol, and peppermint oil is associated with significant hair regrowth in both men and women with AGA”, wrote the authors. “This topical hemp formulation was superior to the FDA-approved medications for the treatment of AGA oral finasteride, and 5% minoxidil, once daily as a foam”, they added.

“Since this hemp extract works through novel mechanisms entirely different from both finasteride and minoxidil, it can be used in conjunction with these current drugs and would be expected to have synergistic effects”, they concluded.

Does cannabis work on alopecia sufferers? This is what science has to say!
Woman: Day 0 (16 hairs/cm2) vs Day 180 (37 hairs/cm2)

The results of this investigation are consistent with those of another study conducted in 2021 which similarly determined that topical administration of hemp-derived CBD extracts stimulated hair growth in patients with AGA. The study found that topical applications of around 3-4 milligrams of CBD caused an average increase in hair of 93.5% after six months.

Participants included 28 men and 7 women, all of whom were diagnosed with androgenetic alopecia. The topical extract was prepared with high-CBD cannabis flowers, which were pulverised, resulting in a powder containing 10.78% CBD and 0.21% THC. The results were again much better for men than for women. Scientists also found that hair growth was better on the top part of the scalp as compared to the temporal areas of the head.

The endocannabinoid system is nobody’s fool

These results should not be surprising, considering that our body has neurotransmitters everywhere, even in the hair follicles and the skin. These parts of the body (especially keratocytes, which are responsible for producing keratin on the skin and hair; and sebocytes, which produce oil) also contain CB1 and CB2 receptors within the endocannabinoid system. After all, the endocannabinoid system plays an important role in many processes of the human body which promote hair growth, including inflammation and homeostasis.

Hormonal imbalances are also a major cause of hair loss. After giving birth, women can experience hair loss associated to low estrogen levels in the body. This can also occur during menopause, in this case caused by hormonal changes. The unregulated production of DHT (dihydrotestosterone, a hormone similar to testosterone) is another factor that can increase hair loss and cause baldness in men.

Cannabis can bind to various endocannabinoid receptors to help regulate hormonal imbalances, as the endocannabinoid system is responsible for different bodily functions, which include ensuring a better metabolism, promoting individual immunity, and improving the nervous system functions. CBD can also help fight menopausal symptoms by maintaining hormonal balance.

Cannabis to treat self-esteem issues associated with alopecia areata (AA)

Many people fear losing hair as they age, but for those who suffer from alopecia aerata(which is estimated to affect approximately 2% of the population at some point in their lives), this reality can arrive earlier.

Many doctors aren’t exactly sure why some people lose locks of hair on their scalp, arms, legs, beard, eyelashes, eyebrows, or even in other areas, which can seriously affect the self-esteem of the patients. What the doctors do believe is that there is a clear link between this type of hair loss and autoimmune diseases.

But patients who suffer from alopecia aerata can also benefit from cannabis in other ways.

Another recent study, published in May 2022, analysed data from several alopecia aerata sufferers, most of whom were Caucasian and female. Researchers from the Department of Dermatology of the Brigham and Women’s Hospital, in Boston, tried to identify how common the use of cannabis was amongst people with this condition; why they used it; and how cannabis affected their alopecia symptoms.

The patients used cannabis in different ways, including smoking, ingesting, or inhaling THC or CBD. The use of topical lotions and other products was also considered. Most patients reported more significant improvements in the treatment of stress, anxiety, and depression. Many said that cannabis didn’t improve their alopecia at all, but researchers suspect that perhaps they weren’t using the ideal clinical ratio of cannabinoids, or weren’t using it correctly, as in other studies.

“A significant proportion of patients with AA use cannabis, oftentimes seeking relief from psychosocial symptoms related to their hair loss. These findings build on existing literature suggesting that patients are seeking alternative methods to address the emotional impact of AA that traditional solutions have been unable to achieve”, they concluded.


Medical cannabis can offer far-reaching therapeutic uses, and an increasing number of studies show that it can even treat hair loss. However, additional clinical trials and further research studies are needed to determine the best type of cannabinoids to use, as well as the amount to be taken, so that the general public can enjoy their beneficial effects on alopecia.

Therefore, if you’re considering using cannabis-based products to treat alopecia or other disorders, it is best to seek guidance from a health professional to make sure that it is safe and appropriate for your personal circumstances.

Kannabia Seeds Company sells to its customers a product collection, a souvenir. We cannot and we shall not give growing advice since our product is not intended for this purpose.

Kannabia accept no responsibility for any illegal use made by third parties of information published. The cultivation of cannabis for personal consumption is an activity subject to legal restrictions that vary from state to state. We recommend consultation of the legislation in force in your country of residence to avoid participation in any illegal activity.

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