
Welcome to a new grow report by Kannabia, where we detail the week-by-week grow guide for Pure Skunk Go Fast. This strain has arrived to our seed catalogue for the 2024  season, combining speed, high resistance, and a unique sensory profile. She’s the perfect choice for both rookies and experienced growers, so get ready to learn the secrets of a plant that will surprise you with her robustness, fast flowering, and XL yields. So let’s get started!

Pure Skunk Go Fast is a hybrid strain that stands out for her speedy flowering phase, which is reduced by 2 weeks in comparison to conventional photo-dependent varieties. This gives her a powerful ability to produce generous indoor harvests in just 10 weeks, with yields that can exceed 550 grams per square metre.

In addition, her 70% indica / 30% sativa composition offers the best of both worlds: the relaxing and meditative effects of the indica side, along with an energising sativa touch. A unique sensory experience that is intertwined with her sweet taste of honey and exotic chocolate, accompanied by earthy and musky nuances. Without a shadow of a doubt, we are looking at a timeless classic reborn, and now optimised for speed racing thanks to the excellent work of our breeders.

Step-by-step grow guide for Pure Skunk Go Fast

This grow report details the techniques used to maximise the potential of this extraordinary strain, exploring a combination of lighting options that include HID lamps and next-generation LED lights. And all in a grow room where the grower experiments with an incredibly short vegetative period, while he faces various stressful drawbacks such as the August heat in southern latitudes. And despite all of this, he still emerges victorious thanks to the following grow parameters:

  • Grow type: Indoor
  • Lighting: 600W HID / 720W LED (HID for vegetative / HID + LED for flowering)
  • Grower: KannaGrowing
  • Number of plants: 20
  • Nutrients: JUJU Royal by BioBizz
  • Irrigation: Manual
  • Growing medium: Coco coir / peat
  • Vegetative phase: 4 weeks
  • Flowering phase: 6 weeks

Germination phase

Grow report – Pure Skunk Go Fast
Week zero

Week zero begins with the germination of the Pure Skunk Go Fast seeds in petri dishes placed on a heated greenhouse, with kitchen paper moistened with a spray. 50% of the seeds sprout between the first 24 and 48 hours, and the rest complete the process after 72 hours. While this is happening, the substrate is being prepared, with a mixture of Coco-Kaya’s coco coir and peat with perlite, using a 75/25 ratio, which is suitable for the entire growing cycle (this mix was created by Julian Marley and Biobizz under the JUJU Royal brand). 1.4 L pots are used, and the growing medium is watered abundantly before setting the seeds. The plants are subjected to a cycle of 18 hours of light and 6 hours of darkness, with ballasts set at 250W. This leads to all of the plants showing their cotyledons throughout the week without any problems.

Grow parameters

  • Height: 0-3 cm
  • Daily temperature: 25 ºC
  • Night temperature: 25 ºC
  • Hours of light: 18 hours
  • Air humidity: 65 %
  • pH: 6,5
  • Distance between lamp and plant: 60 cm

Vegetative phase

Grow report – Pure Skunk Go Fast
Week 1

In the first week of the vegetative cycle, the plants start to show their first true leaves, which grow above the cotyledons. Those with a higher stretch are supported with toothpicks to prevent their stems from bending. A crucial factor at this stage is the control of relative humidity, which needs to be maintained at around 65% to ensure optimum development. Watering is kept light and moderate, approximately every five days. The grower avoids waterlogging the substrate to help promote healthy root development, which in turn leads to the development of a strong structure that can support future plant growth.

Grow report – Pure Skunk Go Fast
Week 2

At the start of the second week, fertilisers are introduced following the nutrient table. The grower prepares a mix of 4 ml/L Grow-Soldier (from JUJU Royal by Biobizz) and 1 ml/L Green-Mystic (by the same brand), using a total of 10 litres of water (5 litres osmosed water and 5 litres tap water). Fertilisers are added in proportion to the amount of water; and, if necessary, the pH is adjusted with BIO regulators. This solution is used to water all the pots, providing all the essential nutrients for the plants to feed properly in the coco coir, which doesn’t contain enough nutrients on its own.

Grow report – Pure Skunk Go Fast
Week 3

During the third week, CALMAG by Biobizz is added to the nutrient solution. This is a calcium and magnesium supplement that is necessary due to the use of softened and osmosed water, which lacks these nutrients. This additive is added to the previous combination of Grow-Soldier and Green-Mystic, establishing a nutrient regime for the vegetative phase. In addition, a LED lamp is mounted for use in the following week. This is a LazerLite Pro 720W, a model by The Pure Factory that is having great success among indoor growers for its high energy efficiency and versatility.

Grow report – Pure Skunk Go Fast
Week 4

In the fourth week, the most developed plants are selected to be placed under the new LazerLite Pro 720 LED lamp by The Pure Factory, with the power set at 50%. Plants are evenly distributed, so that some are under the LED lamp and some under the HID light, to observe the differences between the two lighting systems. The nutrient regime continues as in previous weeks, using Grow-Soldier, Green-Mystic, and CALMAG. At the end of this week, the light cycle is changed to 12/12 to start the flowering phase.

Grow parameters

  • Height: 18 cm
  • Daily temperature: 26 ºC
  • Night temperature: 24 ºC
  • Hours of light: 12 hours
  • Air humidity: 50 %
  • pH: 6,5
  • Distance between lamp and plant: 60 cm

Flowering phase

Grow report – Pure Skunk Go Fast
Week 5

By the fifth week, the roots have already completely colonised the substrate of the 1.4 L pots, so the plants are transplanted to 4 L fabric pots, filled to 50% with a mixture of Coco-Kaya and Allmix by BioBizz (because the coco coir has very few nutrients, and any fertilisation error can quickly impact the plants). After transplanting, stakes are added to help support the future weight of the branches. The grower continues with the same nutrient regime and adds JUJU Royal’s Flora Bloom to the solution. As the pots are now larger, space is redistributed, so a fourth lamp needs to be switched on.

Grow report – Pure Skunk Go Fast
Week 6

In week 6, the accelerated growth in height (stretching) has ended, and the plants already have a considerable height of half a metre. Therefore, the lower part of the plants is pruned to concentrate the energy at the top, which also facilitates irrigation. In addition, the HID lamps are replaced by others with a warmer spectrum (with a higher temperature in Kelvin, specifically 2500K). The nutrient plan following the JUJU Royal chart is maintained the same, as both the colour and appearance of the leaves are superb.

Grow report – Pure Skunk Go Fast
Week 7

In week 7, with the grow in full bloom, the lamps are set to their maximum power and the air conditioning is kept on during the lighting phase. Flora-Bloom fertiliser appears on the scene at this stage, although the entire JUJU Royal nutrient table is still followed. Plants are watered every four days before applying the nutrient solution – the substrate is moistened with water to ensure better nutrient absorption and prevent the nutrients from leaking too quickly through the walls of the fabric pots. Pistils grow exponentially throughout the plant, and flowers sprout vigorously through the nodes.

Grow parameters

  • Height: 70 cm
  • Daily temperature: 27 ºC
  • Night temperature: 25 ºC
  • Hours of light: 12 hours
  • Air humidity: 40 %
  • pH: 6,5
  • Distance between lamp and plant: 50 cm

Ripening phase

Grow report – Pure Skunk Go Fast
Week 8

During week 8, the HID lamps are replaced by even warmer lights with a 2000K colour temperature to maximise the flowering. The irrigation plan is followed according to the JUJU Royal fertilisation table, maintaining a strict control of energy consumption in the room, since the air conditioning must work at maximum power without extraction 24 hours a day. The LazerLite Pro 720W lamp by The Pure Factory is working wonderfully, and is one of the main sources of light during this phase. The side branches begin to bend slightly under the weight of the rapidly growing buds, which grow noticeably larger every day.

Grow report – Pure Skunk Go Fast
Week 9

In week 9, the grower stops using fertilisers and starts watering only with water to flush the roots. This allows the plants to use their own nutrient reserve, which is revealed by the yellowing of the lower leaves as the plants lose chlorophyll and other stored nutrients. At the same time, the air conditioning is kept at maximum power, with the extraction completely off since we are in the middle of August. This way, the room temperature is stabilised at 22°C during the day and 18°C at night, whilst a dehumidifier helps to reduce the relative humidity to 40%. The main colas take shape with their large calibre, and some pistils are slowly turning orange. At this moment, harvesting is only a week away and now it’s just a waiting game!

Grow report – Pure Skunk Go Fast
Week 10

Week 10 is finally here, so it’s time to reduce the power of the lamps (both LED and sodium) to a minimum while the plants complete their cycle, which will help them “understand” that they’re getting to the end of their life. During this week, only water is used – just enough to prevent the plants from dehydrating, as well as to cause a little water stress, which will lead to a greater accumulation of resin. Some Fast plants are ready for harvest, while others still need a few more days. This is normal with Fast strains, as some phenos may vary their flowering time by a few days. The air conditioning is switched off, and the extraction is back on at full capacity. This grow has come to an end!

Harvest of Pure Skunk Go Fast

Grow report – Pure Skunk Go Fast
Appearance of the buds

This is a cannabis variety that should be on every grower’s wish list. There’s absolutely no doubt that this strain is super easy to handle, with a reduced growth cycle that on this occasion has amounted to 600 grams of quality flowers for a total of 20 plants in 1 square metre. And in just 10 weeks from germination! Buds are compact, resinous, and with a harmonious aroma of sweet honey and exotic chocolate, with earthy and musky touches reminiscent of the freshness of their origins.

This is undoubtedly a hardy, compact, and low-maintenance plant that’s an excellent choice for growers of all levels. Despite being indica-dominant, this strain exhibits a notable sativa influence in her morphology. And she produces dense buds covered with trichomes which form multiple colas with a thick canopy.

If you want to increase your yields, this strain responds well to various training techniques, especially to defoliation in the lower area. To ensure that our plants could reach their maximum potential, stakes were used for optimal support, allowing the plants to grow upwards without the risk of bending or breaking under the weight of the flowers.

So, if you’re looking for a fast and reliable cannabis strain that combines the best of the old school Skunk genetics with the modern hybrid vigour, Pure Skunk Go Fast is set to become a regular in your seasonal grows… We give you our word!

Kannabia Seeds Company sells to its customers a product collection, a souvenir. We cannot and we shall not give growing advice since our product is not intended for this purpose.

Kannabia accept no responsibility for any illegal use made by third parties of information published. The cultivation of cannabis for personal consumption is an activity subject to legal restrictions that vary from state to state. We recommend consultation of the legislation in force in your country of residence to avoid participation in any illegal activity.

New, Genetica americana


Da: 139.00€
