Anatomy of cannabis plants

Anatomy of cannabis plants

Di: Dra. Weed - Anita Bucci Coltivazione

In order to carry out a successful crop it is also essential to know the plants that we are going to plant, their parts and their determined functions.

Although various types of cannabis have been found, many of them are similar in part because of their morphological appearance. Let’s take a closer look to the parts of this plant and the function of each of them.

Anatomy of cannabis plants


Cannabis belongs to the family of cannabaceae, is a species that is composed of males and females so we can say that it is a dioecious species. Sometimes they can also be hermaphrodites containing both sex organs in the same plant. These plants have an annual cycle in a natural way (periodic photo), but in the current market you can find autoflowering cannabis plants (they are not governed by photoperiod) are crosses that were started with the type of cannabis rudelaris.

We do not want to forget mentioning the seeds, which, although they are not part of the plant itself, fulfil a very important and fundamental function. Without them there would be nothing. They are small embryos that contain a small plant in embryonic state, under the right conditions, will give life to a new plant. The radicle is the part that generates the root once placed on the substrate, begin to produce absorbent hairs.

Anatomy of cannabis plants

Afterwards, we will study the cotyledons that, in the first pair of non-real leaves, are oval and smooth, and that are responsible for providing nutrients in the first days of plant life. Then we will discover that the first pair of real, sawn leaves come out, they will be in charge of photosynthesis breathing and transpiration.


The roots of the plant will always be developed under the substrate; they are a very important part that we do not underestimate if we want our plants to grow healthy. They fulfil the function of absorption of nutrients necessary for the well-being of the plant and provide the necessary firmness to support the plant. In the root zone we will find a main root from which the secondary roots will develop. They are the vascular system of the plants, while the exile is responsible for driving the wise and bring water and minerals to the rest of the plant.


Stem is the part that ascends from the roots outside the substrate, is the aerial part of the plants. It supports growth and is responsible for bringing water and minerals to the entire plant.

Knot and intern-knot

Knot is the part of the stem from which leaves and boarding are born, it is the space between the two knots and they can vary in length depending on the cultivation space and the technique carried out.


The branches will leave in pairs of house side of the stem and from the knot; the number can vary depending also on the conditions and the genetic variety.


They are a key part in the development of our plants; they have a very special shape similar to a fan. They are an indicative of species since the sativas genetics show us finer leaves and with more tips than the indica genetics where we will see wider leaves and with a stronger green. These are also responsible for alerting us when something is past, so we must pay close attention when they begin to show some strange symptoms: problems in the roots, insects, excesses, deficiencies, etc. They are able to absorb the light applied to them to transform it into energy for plants

Anatomy of cannabis plants

Female flowers


It is the first chalice that shows the plant and determines its sex; in it we can appreciate two pistils. They usually appear in the upper knots of the plant next to the stipules.


It is a drop-shaped pod that shows the female flower and will house seeds when fertilised; the cannabis flower is composed of hundreds of chalices.


They are the little hairs that leave the chalices, these are connected to the ovaries of the flower so they are responsible for collecting pollen from the male at the time of pollination.


They are the resinous glands, these lodges in their majority the cannabinoids of the plant. They are found throughout the flower and in leaves near the glands.

Anatomy of cannabis plants

Male flower

The male flowers have the shape of a little ball; this has sepals that are the parts that cover it forming an internal chalice. Inside we find the stamens that are the bags that contain the pollen, usually yellow. Pollen helps us to make crosses between cannabis genetics and ensures the survival of the species.

I hope this article has been helpful and you can have a healthy and strong plant!

Kannabia Seeds Company sells to its customers a product collection, a souvenir. We cannot and we shall not give growing advice since our product is not intended for this purpose.

Kannabia accept no responsibility for any illegal use made by third parties of information published. The cultivation of cannabis for personal consumption is an activity subject to legal restrictions that vary from state to state. We recommend consultation of the legislation in force in your country of residence to avoid participation in any illegal activity.
