Cannabis Clubs: from Spain to Colorado

Cannabis Clubs: from Spain to Colorado

Pour: Contributor Activisme

cannabis Clubs have just been approved by the Colorado Senate. All cannabis users know the famous Cannabis Clubs in Amsterdam or Barcelona. Now, this kind of club is coming to the state of Colorado, where it was approved by Senate two weeks ago.

The new bill will allow people to bring their own Marijuana to a designated space and chill. Like the clubs in Barcelona, no food or alcohol will be served other than light snacks. Neither will you be able to purchase cannabis at these clubs because the bill only provides a place for cannabis users to smoke with other people.

People have always smoked cannabis in groups. The most popular places where marijuana clubs are legal are the cities of Amsterdam and Barcelona. In the 1970s Amsterdam legalised these spaces under the name of “coffee shops”. The situation in Spain is different because cannabis is still illegal but you can become a member of a club in order to purchase and smoke marijuana there.

The history of cannabis in Colorado

The medical cannabis bill was passed in 2000, followed by recreational regulation in 2014, making it the first public market of marijuana for recreational use in the United States. Users are allowed to consume within the confines of their homes.

Since then, the number of tourists has increased due to marijuana and the state has accumulated a large surplus of tax from its commercialisation.

Part of the tax raised by marijuana was used to create a bullying prevention program developed by the Colorado Department of Education which started this year. The project includes classes about bullying in schools, and specialised coaches who show teachers how to deal with cases that occur among students. The main objective is to change the culture of bullying in schools, involving students, parents and teachers.

Kannabia Seed Company vend à ses clients un produit de collection, un souvenir. Nous ne pouvons pas et ne devons pas donner de conseils de culture car notre produit n’est pas destiné à cet usage.

Nous ne sommes pas responsables de l’utilisation illicite qui pourrait être faite par des tiers des informations publiées ici. La culture du cannabis pour l’autoconsommation est une activité soumise à certaines restrictions légales qui varient d’un État à l’autre. Nous recommandons de revoir la législation en vigueur dans le pays de résidence pour éviter d’encourir l’exercice d’une activité illégale.
