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How to use beneficial microorganisms to grow quality cannabis

By: Contributor Grow

The art of marijuana growing is incredibly diverse, and there are many techniques that you can use to get the most out of your plants. Microorganisms can play a vital role in this task, not only by helping to increase the yield but also by improving the quality of the final product. From nutrient cycles and the health of the soil, and through growth up to the final yield, these tiny organisms are the unsung heroes of organic cannabis cultivation.

Microorganisms are everywhere: in the water, in the air, on the surface of our skin, and even inside our bodies. These microscopic creatures include bacteria, viruses, fungi, algae… and can actually cause diseases in some cases. However, some species are essential for maintaining the good health of both humans and the planet’s ecosystem.

Cannabis plants are no exception, and experienced growers are well aware that microbial life can provide numerous benefits. Microbial life tends to develop in the rhizosphere, which is the area surrounding the roots of the plants. It constitutes what is known as a ‘living soil’: a substrate with a population of useful creatures, each of which plays a unique role in the ecosystem whilst working in harmony with all the others to create a delicate balance between the nutrient cycle and the health of the plants.

In this organic growing style, the power is returned to the plants. As living beings, plants have evolved over millions of years to learn to meet their own requirements, finding what they need without having to move from the area where they thrive.

Purple Kush

Purple Kush is a popular strain of cannabis known for its deep purple color and potent sedative effects. Purple Kush is a strain that’s born to thrive. You’ll be able to enjoy dramatic flowering in 60 days, dazzling your garden with a festival of colours and aromas, while purple tones will begin to appear in swollen buds that are loaded with resin from the fourth week.

Types of microorganisms found in the living soil

These microorganisms form a food network that helps plants develop, in exchange for the carbons and sugars that the plants release through their roots. You can find bacteria, fungi, nematodes, or protozoa, to name just a few.

Bacteria, for instance, are responsible for the decomposition of organic matter and for transforming it into useful nutrients. They also help suppress harmful pathogens and improve the soil structure, acting as organic pesticides and reducing the susceptibility of plants to stress. Without any beneficial bacteria, your plants would be left without the resources that they need to live.

Fungi are also a crucial link on the path to the decomposition of dead organic matter. More specifically, mycorrhizal fungi form symbiotic relationships with the roots of the plants, where they obtain a constant supply of carbohydrates produced via photosynthesis (sucrose, glucose, etc.), which is a key factor for their survival. In return, plants enjoy the unique ability of fungi to help them absorb water and nutrients from the soil.

Fungi perform this action through the formation of hyphae, which are the filamentous structures that shape their mycelium, and which have a much larger surface area than the roots of cannabis plants. In fact, mycorrhizal fungi can increase the root surface by up to 1000 times, which in turn helps plants absorb more nutrients and water.


Nematodes are another type of protector of the health of the soil. They are tiny worms that eat harmful pathogens and aerate the terrain, helping to control pests and diseases. Some nematodes can also decompose organic matter and release essential nutrients.

Other beneficial microorganisms, like Trichoderma and protozoa, also play a vital role in cannabis cultivation. They act as biological control agents which protect crops against diseases, thereby improving the health of the plants. Additionally, they facilitate nutrient absorption and act as extraordinary stimulators of growth.

In short, these microorganisms are essential to obtain healthy cannabis plants and bountiful yields. By understanding and using the power of these little allies, growers can take their crops to the next level. Because the secret for a successful grow is a healthy soil that’s full of life.

How to introduce beneficial microorganisms in your grow

According to the rules of organic growing, you must take advantage of the power of the micro-life in the soil to enable the plants to feed when they need to. As a grower, all you need to do is provide the right conditions to help the plants and the soil food network do their job. Therefore…

  • Use organic compost or worm castings to introduce a diverse population of microorganisms.
  • You can also use a nutrient solution or compost tea (an organic aqueous liquid obtained from compost) to stimulate the growth of this micro-life.
  • Use specific inoculants to add mycorrhizal fungi to the substrate.
  • Soak the soil with beneficial bacteria to introduce them directly into the plant root area.

Top tips on how to maintain a healthy soil ecosystem

Your main goal is to take good care of the soil life so that the soil life takes very good care of the plants. This means that you need to feed both the soil and the plants. Therefore…

  • Avoid the use of pesticides and chemical fertilisers, as these may alter the balance of the different microorganisms.
  • Control the pH levels and adjust them as needed to stimulate micro-life growth.
  • Rotate your crops with cover crops to boost soil health and biodiversity.

Good practices for the use of beneficial microorganisms

In an effort to grow more efficiently and reduce errors, many growers opt to force feed the plants with chemical nutrients, even when these aren’t needed. On the contrary, the living soil growing method tries to mimic nature in order to grow plants to their full potential, allowing you to maintain a sustainable system with minimal waste and maximum productivity and quality. To achieve this, you need to:

  • Analyse the substrate regularly to monitor the microorganism levels and adjust cultivation practices accordingly.
  • Pay attention to the growing environment, as temperature and humidity levels may affect the survival of these microscopic creatures.
  • Use a wide range of microbial life to promote a healthy and balanced soil ecosystem.
  • Ensure that the microorganisms are alive and active before using them: they may lose their effectiveness in extreme conditions.
  • Use them at the right time: some need to be introduced before planting the marijuana seeds, whereas others should be added during the growth phase.

Learning to create a living soil full of micro-life will help you to grow the best quality marijuana: mild and tasty organic cannabis with a cleaner effect. To put it briefly, a more natural kind of cannabis.

Having said that, this is not just about the end result but also about the journey. The introduction of microorganisms in your grow not only seeks to improve the quality of the crop, but also to adopt a more holistic approach. It consists of treating your plants, soil, and environment with the respect that they deserve, understanding the delicate balance of nature, and working in harmony with them all. And that’s certainly something that your plants will thank you for!

Kannabia Seeds Company sells to its customers a product collection, a souvenir. We cannot and we shall not give growing advice since our product is not intended for this purpose.

Kannabia accept no responsibility for any illegal use made by third parties of information published. The cultivation of cannabis for personal consumption is an activity subject to legal restrictions that vary from state to state. We recommend consultation of the legislation in force in your country of residence to avoid participation in any illegal activity.

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